I don't think drinking alcohol is a bad thing to do if your responsible. Binge drinking is something that I really don't understand. Why drink yourself sick? It's not fun when your throwing up all over the place. Id say that you can drink the moderate amount. http://www.drinkaware.co.uk/facts/did-you-know/pk-test-page?gclid=CLu255yZvqECFSaElAodIQ1c_Q
that is the website that tells you what is the limit.
Alot of alcohol consumption does lead to drink driving where either the driver or a pedestrian is killed. Over 3,000 people are killed or seriously injured every year due to a drink drive collision.
Alcohol does have its main points, it makes you feel happy, high and just makes you have a good time which is why everyone has it. But there are bad point as it can also make you angry, your vision is effected, you have slower reactions and you won't think right.
The law for drink driving or an attempt to drive whilst above the legal limit carries a maximum penalty of 6month's imprisonment, a fine of up to £5,000 and a minimum of 12 months drinking ban.
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