Thursday 6 May 2010


Porn is now days a normal thing to watch. It is like a hobby for men. If a man is married but needs a different sexual drive then instead of going out to find a different woman he'll just watch some porn. It is entertainment for them. Women watch porn as well as there is soft porn made specially for them. Pornography has become massive in today's society, it is everywhere, on TV, adverts. Sex sells now days and it is an attraction that everyone will go after. Men have many ideas and fantasies and if there partner cannot fulfil them then the only thing to do is to watch porn. I think porn does also help with spicing up a relationship, it gives you ideas as well as the build up to sex. I don't think porn is bad, It is an industry that will never go bankrupt.

Response to Yazoo's blog on Racism

As I haven't written a blog of Racism, I read your blog and it outlined everything I think. Racism is still happening in this society but not as bad as it used to be in the 70's. Being an Indian girl, I have heard stories from families that have been victims of racial abuse. There are still stories now days where someone is killed for their colour. The Ku Klux Klan were the biggest group that absolutely hated black people in America. And like you pointed out, in England, the BMP are a group that don't like any other colour that is not white. The law now has been harsher to people that are racist and because of that I think racism will hopefully one day die out.


I don't think drinking alcohol is a bad thing to do if your responsible. Binge drinking is something that I really don't understand. Why drink yourself sick? It's not fun when your throwing up all over the place. Id say that you can drink the moderate amount.
that is the website that tells you what is the limit.
Alot of alcohol consumption does lead to drink driving where either the driver or a pedestrian is killed. Over 3,000 people are killed or seriously injured every year due to a drink drive collision.
Alcohol does have its main points, it makes you feel happy, high and just makes you have a good time which is why everyone has it. But there are bad point as it can also make you angry, your vision is effected, you have slower reactions and you won't think right.
The law for drink driving or an attempt to drive whilst above the legal limit carries a maximum penalty of 6month's imprisonment, a fine of up to £5,000 and a minimum of 12 months drinking ban.

In Response to Tosin's Blog on Smoking

Smoking is definitely an addiction that will take a long time to go. Like you have mentioned, there is a buzz and excitement when someone wants to do this or even smoke something illegal. The media have definitely increased the amount of people that have taken up smoking. Famous people smoking makes them look 'cool' which is why teenagers will follow. I agree that when smoking, there is an adrenaline rush which makes you excited to continue smoking. It also can be peer pressure, fitting in with the crowd, or even depression.

Bandits and Outlaws

Bandits are not exactly considered to be bad people. There are some that are violent and there are some that act peacefully. The most famous bandit is Robin Hood. He was known to steal from the rich to give to the poor. He did go against the law but he was also seen as a good person that was helping the poor. I suppose everyone knows his story. Another famous Outlaw is Jesse James. He was part of a famous gang called James-Younger Gang. They robbed banks, stagecoaches and trains and was seen as kind of Robin Hood although he did not give any of his money to the poor and only shared it with his gang members.

Wednesday 5 May 2010

Response to Samantha's blog on Abortion

There are lots of reason's of someone considering of having an abortion. I think if the pregnancy was unplanned and they were careful then that's acceptable but their are people that go towards it like it means nothing to them if they lose the baby. I agree that it does effect you mentally and physically and will effect your life. There are people that I know off that have been in situations that they have to have an abortion but they go so far in the pregnancy that they have to literally give birth to the child. That I think is cruel and can be considered as murder.
I agree that it should not be made illegal, there are situations where it is necessary to get it done.

Bad Comedians

Everyone makes jokes but there are certain jokes that just aren't acceptable. Laughter is a happy emotion that everyone love to express. It puts a smile on everyone's face so why are there comedians that ruin that fun? Yea a comedian will always tell one or pick on a person in the audience that is a different ethnicity but racist jokes have there limits. That person can easily feel like he or she has been discriminated if told badly. There are also times when you laugh at a joke and then think 'omg I cannot believe he just said that'.
Jokes aren't meant to be taken seriously which is the whole point of it being a joke but there are some that can really hurt and are demeaning. Sexist jokes are also a subject that can be really rude. Bad comedians are people that don't know how to make jokes and amuse people and try to act like someone their not.

Monday 3 May 2010

Response to Geema's blog on Bad Cinema

I agree with the fact that movies that are considered to be 'bad' are actually made for a reason, to educate young minds of the big bad world. It is also something that can't be freely talked about so people make movies out of them. I think movies like 'Kids' does help even though it arises many questions which you have already wrote.


I don't consider this as a being bad topic but i can see why it is seen as a taboo. Being an indian and brought up in an indian society, masturbation or anything to do with sex was seen as a massive taboo. The elders would see you as someone dirty if mentioned and things like that are seen to be stayed in the bedroom. Most parents would not give the 'sex talk' to their children. But Masturbation now days is seen as a funny thing that happens on TV for example, American Pie. Sex sells and it is the biggest thing that advertisers use to promote there product. And of course, their are the benefits of masturbation.

And this is the link that shows how it helps men reduce the risk of getting prostate cancer -

Sunday 2 May 2010

Telling Lies

There are two different types of lies; small white lies and big lies that can change everything. Everyone lies about something everyday in their lives, even if the lies are small ones like lying to a friend about her outfit. But then there are lies that can change peoples lives like lying in a relationship when actually the person is being a twat and cheating. There are some people that think lying can be easily done and actually enjoy it for the attention. Its makes them feel good and they take comfort in this. These people have got a Compulsive Lying Disorder. Its hard to get someone like that to say the truth and once they start and continue, the lies become the 'truth' to the person and they start living in this 'fake' life which they enjoy. I actually new a 'friend' that faked her own death! She completely disappeared from the face of this world then three weeks later she called me and said "hiyaaaa!!" Apparently her mate that told me about the death got it wrong. I still don't understand the logic behind it, if there is one.
But the world won't be a better place if everyone said the truth because lets face it 'the truth hurts'.

Saturday 1 May 2010

Body Modification

Apart from extreme tattoos and piercing that completely change your body, plastic surgery is another modification that if not careful can go really wrong. Modifying your body with this is something that has always been around but when did young adults refer to it just to keep their youth? Even when they haven't got a single wrinkle, they would head off to get their face pumped with botox. I think that once you've had drastic modification done to your body or face, you have to take extra care of yourself cuz personally i think people actually look older after there under the knife. Take for example Jordon (Kate price), shes known famously for boob job and is scheduled for her 5th one to correct the mistake!!! It now looks horribly wrong and it makes you think why would someone continue doing that to themselves?

Plastic surgery that has gone wrong just says that these people are not confident and have a lot of issues with there body and get addicted to get it perfect even though there doing the opposite.
Plastic surgery seems to be the talk in the celebrity world, i suppose it seems like they have more money then brains!

Friday 30 April 2010

Bad Cinema

An example of a 'being bad' movie is 'Kids'. I actually think there should be more movies like this as it does teach kids the truth about whats out there and how easily it is to get influenced by someone. Yea the movie was absolutely weird and disgusting but it does make you think twice about your life.
There are many movies that have been made as the same story line as kids. Movies that have sex, violence, teenage crime, drugs and also murder, an example of this is the film 'Kidulhood' and 'Adulthood'. This does raise questions is they are acceptable to be watched but even though it portrays the lives of teenagers and their issues, it does all make the audience aware of what teenagers can easily get into.
There are other movies that isn't related to crime and drugs and sex, moves like 'Saw' and 'Hostel'. There movies are just based on gruesome torture which I think does go under 'Bad Cinema', yea they are made for an audience that love watching movies that keep them on the edge but it an easily make someone want to re-act a part of the movie in real life. It could influence someone in the wrong way.

Thursday 29 April 2010

In Response to Jon Vine post on Infidelity

I like your blog and i understand that you have done it from your point of veiw as a man but i feel its almost stereotyping the cheaters as being man, women cheat just as much as men do.
I also really like how you have related your blog to sports people, that most people know of.


People thief for many reasons, boredom, poverty and getting in with a gang, trying to impress their peers, but is it ever acceptable?
There's different kinds of thieving too, people thieve to provide for their family, whilst others thieve because they want more expensive televisions and mobile phones.

Some people thieve directly from a person in the middle of the street, but either mugging them, or sneaky pinching their purse when they are not looking whilst others thieve from business's and shops or even break into peoples houses

In my opinion thieving is wrong in every aspect, no matter how desperate or hungry you are there is always another way of providing for you and your family, like getting a job or claiming benefits.

Wednesday 28 April 2010

In Response to Geema's post on Infidelity

I completely understand and agree that if a person that can even think to purposely go behind their partner for just some fun then that is pure heartless and evil but I also do think that some people may do it if their in a bad relationship and need to get out or they just made that mistake. Being in a serious commitment and make a person feel like they are missing out on the fun of being single and they take their chance to do something stupid (cheat). I suppose the saying 'You don't realise what you've lost until it's gone' is a good phrase to describe the consequences of infidelity.

Extreme tattoos and piercing

I agree with some tattoos and piercing and do think they look 'cool' but I think some people just take it to far. I suppose they have their reasons. I could be that they are expressing themselves, they feel really insecure about their body that they feel the need to cover up or it could be attention seeking. Extreme tattoos and piercing is frowned upon in the society but saying this some people accept them as well.

But the picture on my left is i think just plain wrong to do yourself. Not only goes it look bad but the person can easily catch infection which could lead to something very serious.
I suppose people have their own opinion and this guy probably thinks he looks very handsome (thats if its a guy, I cant even tell). I do find it fascinating though in a way but I do think its wrong.

Tuesday 27 April 2010

Teenage Pregnancy/Abortion

Teenage pregnancy has become more and more popular in the UK over the last ten years or so. In my opinion there are plenty of aspects to blame for this, not enough education in schools, not enough guidance and morals being taught from parents/guardians.
Teenagers have a to laid back approach to pregnancy these days, they just think "oh well if I get pregnant I can just get an abortion" because getting an abortion is so easily done. In my opinion, young girls that have an abortion should be made to go on a course afterwards to properly educate them in what they are doing.

I also think a main factor of teenage pregnancy is trend, teenagers are easily impressionable, and if one person has a baby, the other one will, they don't realise what bringing up a baby actually en tales.
I suppose all abortions are not done because they are unwanted, some girls don't have a choice, this could because of their family, medical problems, or maybe because it was a mistake in the first place.
Some people learn from their mistakes, others use it as a contraception...

Monday 26 April 2010


I always question what makes a person feel the need to cheat? Is that they are not happy in there relationship? That they are greedy? or is it just plain heartlessness?
In opinion its the latter, I don't understand why anyone would purposely want to go out and break someone's heart because cheaters always get caught, and the same old lines are always used again and again "I wont do it again, its you I want" "I didn't mean to" "I'm sorry" but they aren't sorry, they are just sorry they got caught.
Infidelity can range from one night stands to full blown affairs, which puts people in very awkward predicaments, which could lead to blackmail and a lot of hurt, not only from the victim of the cheater, but the their bit on the side, and people who find out.

Trust is a main aspect of a relationship, and it takes a long time to build up complete trust with someone, but it will be broken the second they find out you've been unfaithful, and once there's no trust there's no relationship.
A lot of the time people confuse their feeling, thinking that they are in love with someone else, but most of the time its just the excitment, the chase, the secrets that make them feel happy again its not love, and if somethings missing in the relationship they are in, it makes it more tempting for a person to cheat.

Some people go their whole lives cheating and being unfaithful to people, as the saying goes "once a cheater always a cheater" whilst other remain faithful their whole lives and can work on any issues within the relationship without feeling the need to put someone else in their life.

Sunday 25 April 2010


In my opinion drugs have always crossed to me as a 'bad' thing to do, maybe because it is the way I have been brought up but I have seen the affects of drugs and my views have changed after that experience. There are many different reasons why someone would sell, buy and take drugs. I think that a person selling them would want the "scarface" dream, the money, power, respect. They could also be desperate and be in financial difficulties where they are forced to do something illegal. But I can see why someone would buy drugs, the addiction that they are willing to pay a lot of money for. Some of these reasons could be escapism from the life they are living in, peer pressure, depression, anxiety or even tiredness. Celebrities are mainly in the spotlight for drug abuse which would explain the reasons on why they would take it but as we see them as role models, they can be seen as encouraging teenagers to go into it. But saying this there are a lot of sites that promote the use of drugs. I have surfed through many sites where you can buy bongs and pipes that would get you crazily high!! An example of a site that I came across
I can go on and on about drugs from the abuse of taking it when your pregnant to the side effects and the statistics of the deaths of drug abuse but even though I know all this, I do still see the reasons behind why someone would go into it. But I suppose everyone knows the reasons...

Saturday 24 April 2010


Prostitution is an issue that is controversial. It can be seen as an unlawful act that make women come out degrading as well as cheap but in many countries, it is not illegal. Saying this, it is still seen as a business that carries out a service that acts on basic human urges which therefore always have a high demand. Legal or not legal, women are willingly selling their bodies to make money, even though this is seen as a cheap act, it is still a job that is always needed in this world. Amsterdam has the largest legal business in prostitution and is seen as a tourist attraction. Even though in this society everyone disagrees with it and think it's wrong, they still visit that city and pay for the service.
The UK government are thinking about changing the law and maybe allowing small brothels to be allowed, This shows how the views on prostitution have changed drastically. The sex culture in society has blown up over the last decade which is why more and more women are going into this business. It is now seen as acceptable and a money making mechanism.


Thursday 4 March 2010


In regards to smoking, i used to have a very strong view against it until last year when i made a whole group of new guy mates that all smoked and yes at the start i used to tell them all the bad points and what this is doing to their body but after awhile i saw their perspective on it. I still do think it's harmful and addictive and would never smoke, even though i have tried a few drags and hated it but i do see why it looks 'cool' to smoke. My bestfriend smokes and truthfully he looks really 'cool' but in concern with health issues, I would want him to stop smoking.

Thursday 11 February 2010

Field Trip

A trip to a leading Tobacco Factory would be an intersting place as it will show us how, why, and the benefits of making cigarettes and the company's view on smoking.