There are two different types of lies; small white lies and big lies that can change everything. Everyone lies about something everyday in their lives, even if the lies are small ones like lying to a friend about her outfit. But then there are lies that can change peoples lives like lying in a relationship when actually the person is being a twat and cheating. There are some people that think lying can be easily done and actually enjoy it for the attention. Its makes them feel good and they take comfort in this. These people have got a Compulsive Lying Disorder. Its hard to get someone like that to say the truth and once they start and continue, the lies become the 'truth' to the person and they start living in this 'fake' life which they enjoy. I actually new a 'friend' that faked her own death! She completely disappeared from the face of this world then three weeks later she called me and said "hiyaaaa!!" Apparently her mate that told me about the death got it wrong. I still don't understand the logic behind it, if there is one.
But the world won't be a better place if everyone said the truth because lets face it 'the truth hurts'.
The world wouldn't be a better place if everyone told the truth I agree. Having said that it really gets on my nerves when people lie all the time, those people who think that telling the truth always has to be the last option. I think that once sombody lies and they get away with it the first time they get addicted to it, I guess it's some kind of power they feel over bending the truth.